The 8 girls you will find on every hens party!

group hens shot 

Every hens party has them, and your girl squad would not be the same without them. Read about the 8 girls you will find on every hen’s

The Overexcited 'Peak too Early' Friend
This gal married young, the first to get married from your friends, before anyone knew the importance of a hens. She’s got a very pretty life with her high school sweet heart and her 3 kids in their matching outfits, but do not underestimate Sally. She’s been counting the days down for your hens weekend. A weekend of no husband, no kids, lunchtime wines, dancing and possible (very likely) the oily chest of a topless waitress. She will be the first to crash (she’s out of practice) and will definitely tell all the girls “do you know how much I love you guys” and will be the first dancing on a table (PLEASE get photos you will need proof of this, it only happens every blue moon!!)

The Sister-in-law
It's unavoidable the sister-in-law will have to attend the hen do, whether the bride to be likes it or not. Or if it's not her, it'll be some other female relative of the groom that is there by default. Be nice, be very nice… she's family now. Plus side she will have the inside scoop on the groomsmen and maybe some juicy groom gossip! 

The Awkward School Friend
We all have one. The old BFF who has changed massively, has very little in common with the bride's current life and knows barely anyone. But it wouldn't be the same without the teenage days bestie who the hen was inseparable from during her adolescence period. Prepare for LOTS of in jokes that literally no-one else understands

The Single Friend
She’s the girl who will out drink the lot of you, knows all the important people (bounces, bar tenders and cute single boys). She should definitely have a say in the planning because if where honest the clubs that where pumping when you where 18 are either lame or closed, but your single gal is all over the speak easys, roof tops and hottest dance floors! She’s going to make you do those shots, dance with that boy and give you the ultimate night as a single lady!

The Feisty Work Colleague
There's always one guest who tries to 'get the party started' by force-feeding everyone shots, and it's probably the work wife. She's intense. You're likely to find her in the corner of the club, talking to the sister-in-law or school friend, who look ever so slightly terrified and like they might vom, but she will definitely see the night out! 

Little Miss Prim
PLEASE don’t get her started about Pinterest and she will definitely want matching (modest t shirts) for you all. She will make it VERY well known She doesn't normally drink and rarely goes out these days. Oh, and she'll definitely throw a few disgusted glances around when the willy straws come out, but fast forward a few hours and she's the one dancing on the tables and screaming out dares for the hen to do because, YOLO.

The Gay Best Friend
He will be the best dressed, have the dirtiest secrets on the hen and will teach miss prim how to really slut drop. Trust him with everything, except the mixing of cocktails, he doesn’t want to kill you but the drinks taste like he does!!

The Crazy Brides-maidzilla
You cant have a hens weekend without her, no matter how crazy she’s been in the last few weeks. By the time the hen do comes round, you will feel like you know her already - and probably not in a good way. Over the past 6 months, she has emailed, WhatsApp'd and Facebook'd you a MILLION times with every fine detail of the hen weekend, from timings and venues, to dress code and what to bring. But just get her in her vail, a willy shaped anything and a cocktail and I promise she will calm and make a complete fool of herself. Just make sure she isn’t calling the groom or worse the ex-boyfriend!!



friends with group hug
Victoria Jeffery
Hens Party Specialist

Victoria is our in-house self-proclaimed "Hens Party Guru". Not one to shy away from a good time, she has been the chief planner of many happy hens events.

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